

art prints, merchandise and more


Ahoi! My name is Maya. I’m a multimedia artist exploring the Universe inside and around me through painting, writing and photography/videography.


I started out with oil painting and charcoal or pencil drawings in my teenage years. My main subject was the human body and I loved playing around with a lot of colors and different textures.

After a dreadful creative rut, I began exploring different mediums, which brought me to street art. It’s been quite a switch from the rather slow-paced way of painting with oil, in the matter of size and motives as well, but I grew and changed and it definitely fit better to me at that point of life. With new inspiration and motivation i tried tapping deeper into my art (and my true self)

Now I ended up mostly painting digitally. It combines my favorite aspects of oil painting and graffiti, so I really fell in love with it. I enjoy its versatility and the endless possibilities.

As well it’s a lot easier to carry only a laptop instead of my whole atelier around. That way I’m able to express myself through my art to the fullest anywhere I go.


Geschichten eines Badezimmer Propheten

(Das Tu-Mal-So Buch)

last entries:


i’ve always been a sucker for rebirth in between life reinventing yourself  leaving everything behind it’s what kept me going my whole life so…


ich schwebe hinter einer meterdicken Glaswand ich bin gefangen an einem Ort wo nichts wahr ist, aber keine Lügen existieren ich beobachte…

Wer bin ich?

ich bin bewegungslos, aber wechsle trotzdem meine Farben Wer bin ich? red so gern in Rätseln  spiel so gern mit Wörtern spiel so gern…


Ach Berlin, ich weiß schon, warum ich immer wieder bei dir lande, wenn ich allein sein muss zurück in deinen kuntergrauen…


ja fahr lieber Achterbahn als nebelbedeckte Wälder zu durchqueren hab mich schon wieder verloren wo bin ich? weiß nicht mehr wo oben und…

scheiß auf schöne Texte

irgendwer hat glaub ich heimlich in der Nacht mal wieder meine Stimmbänder zugeschnürt bring kein Wort mehr raus bin geknebelt und gefesselt…
